New Year, New Portal

Our new electronic record Athena is now installed in the office. It includes a billing system and patient communication portal. This is a major change for our office and will take months to fully configure, and may take a full year to get all of your patient information loaded onto the new system. In the meantime we have our old records (Centricity) available side by side for reference.

Please enroll in the portal when you get a chance (see step by step instructions in Newsletter link below). Some of you have commented on the number of automatic reminders you have gotten from the system for appointments, test results, and sometimes billing statements. YOU can control these reminders to a great extent via your new portal account.

Please feel free to send us feedback about information you see on your new chart, and we will gladly update and correct any information that isn’t right. Please be aware that for most of you, we are entering and checking all the problem and med lists on the new system when you come in for a visit, especially for your annual exam.

Stay well,

Dr. Biemer

Click Here to read this in Newsletter format

James J. Biemer, MD

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